Regional Adult Education of LSWNPS Apps

Regional Adult Ed - GED® 1.8.0
Companion App for students in the Southwest Virginia/NortheastTennessee area that need help in getting their GED® Credential.Regional Adult Education Program of Lee, Scott, Wise, and NortonPublic Schools : 877-RACE 2 GED Some Facts: -------------------- •Services are offered to adults over 18 that live in the counties ofLee, Scott, Wise and Norton, VA. • All adult education classes arefree, have open entry and open exit. • Adults enter at any classmeeting and finish when they meet their goals. • Adults have freetextbooks, supplies, and at most sites, access to the Internet. •All Virginia adults that pass a free GED® practice test receive afree GED Exam®. • Classes are offered for basic reading, GED®preparation, English as a Second Language, and distance learning. •Classes follow the Mountain Empire Community College schedule forinclement weather. • All students are assessed for their ability inreading and math. • Working with the teacher, adults completelessons in their areas of weakness. • The GED® is given at leastmonthly in Wise, Norton, and Jonesville. • On-Demand or near dailyGED® testing is available in Gate City. Developed as classcapstone: Mountain Empire Community College - *GED andthe GED Testing Service are registered trademarks of the AmericanCouncil of Education and may not be used or reproduced without theexpress written permission of the ACE.